Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Children's Museum

We went to the Children's Museum with Katie today and Connor had SO much fun! When I asked him on the way home what his favorite part was he said driving the bus and pushing the buttons. Here are the big kids driving the bus (there are buttons to push inside the bus).
Here they are digging for fossils (with some very attractive goggles)
He loves the trains! Which is obvious from the blurry arms that are flailing about in excitement...
Sarah wanted to take our picture at lunch, and it turned out great!
Smiley baby Kate! Her first time to the Children's Museum!
There is a Barbie exhibit and it has a "fashion show" - dress up clothes for the kids to put on backstage and then a runway with loud music for the kids to walk on. Connor started dancing (jumping and spinning) at the end of the runway for the longest time - only breaking for goldfish (see below). I have a video of it, but blogger won't let me post it, so just use your imagination and you can see him jumping and spinning around, getting dizzy and almost falling a couple times, and then running back to me for some goldfish. So funny!
We had to take a break from dancing to eat some goldfish.

Here is his first visit to the children's museum - he is so big now! He was only 4 months old then. http://connoralanjames.blogspot.com/2010/01/childrens-museum.html

And here was the last time we went - right before Kate was born. http://connoralanjames.blogspot.com/2011/11/childrens-museum.html

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