Monday, September 28, 2009

First Doctor's Visit

I did a FANtastic job at my first doctor's visit... until the very end when I was a hungry hungry hippo and ready to leave! Here are a few pictures of my Nonnie (Mommy's mom) holding me after the doctor had checked me out.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Sunday at church

Here I am at church for the first time! I was a perfect angel and slept through the entire church service! Mommy even took a picture of the attendance paper with my name on it for the first time!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On my side

After a tuckering minute or two of tummy time, I decided to take a short catnap on the tummy time mat -- ON MY SIDE!! Mommy and Daddy couldn't belive it! I am only 3 days old and can already roll onto my side! Check me out! :)

Tummy time mat

Tummy time for the first time went pretty well. I can't hold up my neck, but I can turn it to the side and see my Handsome Daddy! :)

First hiccups

These are my first hiccups (outside the womb). They happened the first night I came home from the hospital and I was not a big fan of them...

The Cutest Baby in the World... :)

First Nap

This is a video of me taking my first nap in my crib in my AWESOME nursery sleeping like an angel... :)

First Car Ride

This would be me in my car seat for the first time! Mommy, Daddy and I are headed home from the hospital (after stopping at Meijer to get pain pills for Mommy!!) and I did a great job in the car for the first time! I was so happy to be getting out of the hospital and headed home!

Boppy Fun Time

Daddy sat me up in the Boppy so I could work few muscles and have a little fun (and entertain Mommy and Daddy) :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Connor's first pictures

Here I am! These are a couple of my first pictures... aren't I cute as can be?! :)


Here are the first official pictures of my family!

Connor and Mommy

Here is a picture of Mommy trying to burp me. According to the doctor babies that are born through C Section have a lot more spit up than babies born naturally, so I am a burper and a gassy baby! :)

Connor and Daddy

Here is a picture of me with my Daddy! Don't we both look adorable - like father like son! :)

Connor and Mimi and Poppa

This is a picture of me and my great grandparents - Mommy's grandma and grandpa (Mimi and Poppa).

Connor's birth

I am HERE!! :) This is the timeline of how I was born: Mommy started having contractions around 7:30pm on Friday, Daddy took us to the hospital at 9:30pm, we finally got admitted at 2:30am on Saturday, Mommy started pushing at 10:15am, about 3 hours later, at 1:15pm the doctor told Mommy that I was being stubborn and she needed to have a C Section, and then at 1:37pm on Saturday, September 19th, 2009 (09/19/09) I entered the world! I was 8 pounds 7 ounces and 20 inches long with quite a bit of light brown hair. People tell me I am as cute as can be (especially my chin and dimple!). The doctor told Mommy that she could have pushed forever and I never would have come out becuase my neck had hyperextended and I had turned sideways. Mommy is recovering fairly well (of course it helps that she has pain meds put into her IV...) and Daddy is loving every minute (even the last 5 poopie diapers) of being a Daddy!