Friday, March 30, 2012

MOPS Easter egg hunt

We went to an Easter egg hunt at church this morning, and Connor was so cute! He isn't the fastest egg hunter there is, but he got a few eggs and thought it was the best thing ever. I forgot to take the camera to the actual hunt, but here he is enjoying his candy when we got home. He asked no less than 50 times to eat his bar (chocolate mini bar). I told him he could when we got home, and as soon as we pulled into the neighborhood he said, "I eat my bar!!!"
Here he is saying, "Cheese!"

This is a video of him after he ate his bar. He has probably had chocolate a hand full of times in his whole life, and after 2 mini chocolate bars and 2 hershey kisses, he is out of control! He can't stop jumping! lol

And here is Miss Kate. Cute as can be :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cutest pictures and video EVER!

This is the cutest picture of Connor. He got some rain boots from Grandpa and Gammy for being such a good ring bearer in moe moe's wedding, and it is becoming hard to get him to take them off!
After his nap yesterday he was hot, so we were just diaper-ing it and he wanted to put them on.
If you look closely you can see he has two scrapes on both knees. Apparently he has forgotten how to walk, and since it has been so hot we have been outside all day in shorts, and he has some scrapes. You will also notice his boots are on the wrong feet. He would not allow me to help him, so I guess that's what he gets! haha
Here are some recent pictures of Kate. She is getting so big it is impossible to keep an updated picture of her on here! (especially when I only update the blog once a month lol)

This video of Connor is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Before bed every night we have to sing Jesus Loves Me and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I guess he wasn't done singing after we laid him down to bed, so he just kept on singing by himself!

Moe Moe's wedding, zoo

Aunt Moe Moe and Uncle Chad got married last weekend and Connor was one of the ring bearers. The reherasal went terrible, and I thought there was no way in the world he would make it down the ailse, but God had another plan! He walked slowly (versus running at full speed like during rehersal) down the aisle! He went right to Gammy and asked for his reward (a.k.a. bribe from his parents for walking down the aisle - yes, I bribed my kid. Yes, I am fine with it.)
Here he is on the way to the wedding wearing Daddy's sunglasses from when he was a little guy.
Could he get any cuter?? :) You can tell by his tongue that he is saying, "Cheese!"
Checking out his pretzel.
My two boys :)
Connor and the other ring bearer, Jackson.
Kate's first visit to the zoo!
She was supposed to be asleep, so I just peeked through the little crack in the stroller and she was staring right at me!

Pretty nervous about the sharks.
Kate was exhausted by the end!