Monday, September 26, 2011

Connor's birthday celebrations

Connor's birthday was a week ago today, and we were supposed to go to the park and get ice cream with Katie and Heather, but it was raining, so we went to Incredible Pizza! Connor had a great time! Here he is riding the red car.

I think this was his favorite game. It didn't cost any money because all he wanted to do was move the steering wheel, and he couldn't reach it from the seat, so he sat on the floor.

You can't have a birthday without ice cream, right?!

We had his birthday party yesterday, Sunday, and it was great! He is such a blessed little boy to have so many people that love him! The party was a dumptruck theme, and I did go a little crazy with it... but oh well...

food for the kids (served out of dumptrucks of course)

Dirt cake for the kids (more dumptruck usage) and regular cake for the adults - although half of the kids ate the regular cake and their was (to my dissapointment) only a small amount of dirt cake left at the end of the party... who knew dirt cake was so amazing?!

Big bite of dirt cake for the birthday boy! Presents were pure chaos (like at most children's birthday parties every child has to help open) and to quote myself, "Everybody needs to sit down! Momma is getting stressed!" lol - not my proudest birthday party moment, but what can ya do when 10 kids are sitting at your feet and trying to open one gift at the same time?

Giving Poppa (a.k.a. golf cart - that's what connor calls him because everytime we visit he takes him for a ride on the golf cart) a kiss thank you for the cute clothes!
OK - confession time. I spent approximately 12 hours making these jello cups. They were adorable. Six different layers of jello stacked on top of each other in a see through plastic cup. How awesome is that?! Well, let me tell you it was worth every second when I saw Connor throw his spoon to the side and dig his whole arm into the cup to get some jello! Then he looked at me and said, "cold!" lol! And he ate the whole cup! I love him!

Connor got a bowling set from Grandpa James and Sheryl. Here he is in action!

Who knew how much fun helium balloons could be at the end of a long birthday party day?

Grandpa and Gammy got Connor a super hero cape - here he is being Super Connor with Super Daddy!

Listening to a story read by Grandpa before bedtime. What a great birthday!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh my gosh we have a 2 year old!!!

Connor turned 2 years old today! He is such a big boy! Here are a few things that he does that we think are just adorable!

*If you ask him his name he says Caca.
*He rarely says yes - it is always OK!
*He calls firetrucks woos - because a firetruck says woo woo, so he likes to shorten it to just woo
*He calls the mechanical horse at meijer a neigh, and any time we pull up to any store he starts yelling, neigh! neigh!
*Everytime we ask him if he needs a diaper change (no matter how obvious it may be) he always says no stinky and runs away
*If we leave a room, even for a minute, he says bye mama, bye dada, and usually bye to whatever toy is nearby
*he says hi and bye to random strangers in stores
*If you tell him to do something he doesn't want to do, or not do something that he wants to do, he waves to you and says bye bye - as if to say, you can leave, I want to do what I want to do!
*His favorite show is Caillou
*He loves Baby Joshua Land - he loves to kiss him, rub his face, hold his hand, give him toys, anything to do with Baby Joshua!
*Everytime he walks by Kate's room he says Kate's room! And it is one of his favorite places to play.
*His favorite toys are cars and trucks - he is having a dumptruck birthday party on Sunday!
*He likes to wrestle and play hide and go seek with Daddy.
*If he is ready to leave he will say "ready to go" over and over and over and over and over
*He is a terrible eater - the only thing you can 100% guarantee he will eat is McDonald's chicken nuggets, a breakfast bar, crackers, and banana pudding. All other food is hit or miss. Good thing he eats a vitamin every day! lol
*If he is not ready to go to bed and it is time he says, "play!"
*his favorite songs to sing and do the motions to are wheels on the bus and the itsy bitsy spider, he sings wheels on the bus everytime we turn on the windshield wipers in the car.
*He knows the colors red, blue, orange, green, yellow, white, and purple

There are probably a thousand more things we could write, but this is enough! Our little boy is two and we can't believe it! He is so much fun and we couldn't imagine life without him.