Friday, January 14, 2011


Many of us (me included) thought this day would never come. But it has!!! Connor has taken some actual steps! He has taken one or two once or twice (haha) but look at our boy go!! The last video isn't walking, but it is hilarious! The little face he makes cracks me up!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dancing Connor

Connor dancing to his favorite song...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

me and my man :)

Here is a picture of Mark and I. We went to Heather and Kevin's wedding, and it was beautiful! Heather and I were friends and roommates in college. Grandpa and Gammy watched Connor so we were able to stay and have fun! He was actually sick with an ear infection then, so we are lucky we were still able to go!

Connor Alan

Our little man is growing up so fast! I feel like in the past few days to a week or so, he has really started to show some personality and he is so smart!

He can say so many words! He says: car (anything with wheels is a car), cracker, hi, no, mama, dada, thank you, wow, yum, uh oh, yay!... I think that's all.
He knows the animal sounds for: cow, duck, dog, and tiger. He also says choo choo for a train.
He can sign: up, milk, please, thank you, more, all done, eat, and help.
He also loves to give high fives and waves hi and bye!
He loves chapstick like his Daddy and knows how to put it on all by himself. He gets the nail clippers and acts like he is clipping his nails, and when he gets his brush he brushes his hair; it is so cute! He also tries to feed himself with a spoon. If we load it up for him, he hits his mouth about a quarter of the time haha.

We are so blessed to have such an amazing little boy!

Here are a couple vidoes of him.

Here he is riding one of his cars, with a little assistance from Daddy.

And being crazy baby on the couch! He can now climb on and off the couch all by himself - without doing a nose dive!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Eve and a couple random videos

Connor sure does look different than last year, doesn't he?!

This is a video of Connor playing with a car that great-grandma Horn got him for Christmas. Before I got the camera (of course he stopped as soon as I got it out) he kept opening the trunk and picking up some invisible food, putting it in his mouth and saying "yumm!" It was adorable! But this is still pretty cute!

Connor loves to pretend he is putting on chapstick, and the nail clippers somewhat resemble the tube of chapstick...