Friday, January 20, 2012

Laundry Day

He says the white basket is mommy's basket and the black basket is Connor's basket. This is Connor watching his new favorite show - Little Einsteins. They do this thing where they pat their legs and clap their hands. It is pretty cute.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

snow day

Ready to play in the snow! A little nervous at first...Daddy showing him how to make snowballs!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Like every year we had several Christmas celebrations (8 to be exact...) We did a little bit of traveling and both the kids did great. We were blessed to arrive everywhere safely. Everybody was excited to meet Kate and Connor was loving all the attention he could get! This first picture isn't from Christmas, but Kate is so cute! She is just starting to smile and it is so sweet! Playing with lincoln logs he got from Grandpa and Gammy - and sharing with Kate!

Grandma Livingston holding Kate by the Christmas tree.

Playing with his new Mickey Mouse book.

Giving Kate a Merry Christmas kiss!

Christmas morning with Mommy, Daddy and Kate!

Dancing with Aubrey at Nonnie and Papaw's.

Both are fascinated by Santa - he moves and plays music.

Connor holding up his favorite school bus from Grandpa and Gammy - he loves it and it is never far from him!

Opening the rest of his stocking!

Playing with a fire truck that was Grandpa's when he was a little boy. I love this picture!