Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Parent's Promise

This past weekend we dedicated Connor at church. It was called a Parent's Promise. We promise to raise him to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and know who He is. It is a big responsibility, but we are ready for it!

Here are my two handsome boys!
Connor was so excited for his big day that he only took one 15 minute nap all day! He was so tired he fell asleep during the ceremony!
Here are our neighbors (from our old house), Andy and Chelsea, with their sweet baby boy Ryder.

Here are all the people that came to celebrate with Connor Alan... He is so loved!

This is the picture Mark and I decided to use for the slideshow during the ceremony... He is so darn cute! :)

Family shotAfter the dedication ceremony we all came back to our house and ate chili for dinner. The Macks, Lands and Harberts met us here. It was so wonderful! Our family and our closest friends with us to celebrate our baby boy on such an important and special day.


Katie just gave me the idea to put only two legs on Connor's table leap frog toy so it is on lean and he can play with it, and he LOVES it! He can also lay next to it and play with it that way.

Here he is trying to escape his Bumbo...

Here are Connor's two pearly whites - he loves to show them off when he says dada.

Here is Sarah playing with Connor in his Jumping Bean.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I hope we aren't the only parents out there that find such joy in scaring their child...

Monday, March 15, 2010


We had our very first family vacation! We went to Florida with my dad, stepmom and sisters. We had such a great time!

So many firsts:

first plane ride,
first time on the beach, first time eating sand, first stomach bug (not all firsts are good ones) (stomach bug leads to bad diaper rash which leads to naked baby)first second tooth (hard to see, but to his right of the first one, which is getting bigger!)first time saying "da-da",
(This video is not really of him saying dada, but I am trying to get him to say it and he is so adorable!)

Here he is saying dada - he is a bit fussy in the video - I think he might be getting his third tooth!

first time shaking his head back and forth (adorable),

first time passing a toy back and forth from hand to hand,

first time bathing in a sink (that was also way too small for him),
first time (and last because of the stomach bug) having peaches,

and first time finding and trying (unsucessfully- big belly got in the way) to eat his toes

And here are some other pictures from our trip:

Friday, March 5, 2010

Mimi and Poppa

Connor and I visited Mimi and Poppa this week. We had a great time (and a great lunch)! Connor had so much fun he tuckered himself out!

Toys for dinner

Connor couldn't wait for his peas for dinner, so he had the nearest toy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Here is Connor with his Baby Neighbor (Mark and I used to live next to Andy and Chelsea, which we still call our Neighbors, and this is their beautiful baby boy, Ryder)

Connor with his new friend, Bob the Builder, at the Children's Museum


Daddy can always get Connor to laugh!