Friday, August 23, 2013

Too cute Kate

 We cleaned out Connor's closet the other day - getting all the 3T clothes out and 4T clothes in. Kate decided to take all the clothes out and play in the box. It was the cutest thing ever!

This is a video of Kate jumping and dancing. She is awesome. 
Please don't mind my dirty floor. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Monkey Joe's

Connor has been asking to go to Monkey Joe's for several weeks now. So Grandpa and Gammy took Kate Friday night and Saturday afternoon and we took him for his birthday. Yes, it is a bit early. However, all Connor related birthday celebrations are happening early due to Baby Mason's arrival just a couple weeks before his actual birthday. His birthday party is 18 days before his birthday! Anyways, here are some pics of him having a great time!

In the bouncy house
 Rolling out of the bouncy house...

 You can barely see him in this one, but it was the first time he went on it! Actually, he went on a lot of the slides for the first time today. Usually he goes on one slide and the bouncy house thing, but today he went on all the slides! He is getting more adventurous! (just a little haha)

 Kate Renee telling us about her fun time at Grandpa and Gammy's on the way home. She had a great time!

Friday, August 9, 2013

State Fair

Mark took the day off today and we went to breakfast and then the state fair. We had an amazing day! The fun didn't stop for Connor - he is off to spend some quality one on one time with Grandpa and Gammy. Here are some pictures from the fair:

I can't believe he actually wanted to feed the goats, but he did! He was so funny showing us how they did it later - by licking his hand.

 He rode two rides and he did them both all by himself!! I was shocked he would do that!! He loved them, though!

 Waiting in line. Because he's big.


 A sleepy girl after a long fun day!