Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Valentine's Day, Children's Museum, dentist

Valentines Day - gosh she's adorable...

 The boy with his pink pancakes :)
 Mark took a day off and we all went to the Children's Museum.

 I don't know if you can really tell, but she is laughing at her reflection in the mirror. Adorable.
 His favorite part is the train. He just discovered the button that makes the flag move. He held it for ten minutes without letting go.

 She is getting so big! She can climb up onto the bench of the little table, and it just cracks me up!

 Connor had his first dentist appointment today! It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. He got to wear sunglasses and it was adorable.


Disney on Ice

For Christmas, Mark and I got Connor tickets to Disney on Ice. He LOVED it!! Oh my gosh it was adorable. It had Cars, Little Mermaid, Toy Story, and Tinker Bell. He loves Cars, but had never seen Toy Story or Little Mermaid, so we borrowed them from friends and watched them beforehand. It was a good thing because the whole second half was Toy Story! He had such a good time. He got a blue icee and thought that was the most amazing thing ever.