Friday, October 26, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

Connor is ready to carve his pumpkin!

He is pretty nervous...
Mark showed him the top and he pulled his arms back as fast as he could... he was not okay with the "slimy pulp" as he calls it to be so close.

Notice how his little arms are behind his back lol
This is a fake you out shot... he never got any closer...

Although he did go to town with a spoon.
Not a great picture, but the only one of Kate. She LOVED the slimy pulp and even tried to eat it!
Mark did a fantastic job of carving our pumpkin...
Too bad the face drawer (me) did a terrible job. Failure.  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kelsay Farms, big boy bed and the zoo

We have had a super busy last month! Kate is getting so big! She is eating a lot of table food, and she is signing more, up and all done. She says mama, dada and night night (sounds like na na) haha.

We went to Kelsay farms last Friday when Mark surprised us with a day off and had so much fun!

Connor milking the cow.

 Daddy and Connor made it to the top of the hay mountain! (Apparently so did some other kid...)
 Digging through the corn. He loved this! They had a dumptruck, so he kept filling it up with corn and dumping it out.
 A friend of mine just read an article about moms never being in the pictures. This isn't a great picture of either me or Kate, but I do want my children to remember what I look like... so here we are.
 Riding the Moo Choo Express... That's right.... moo choo...
Do you know how hard it is for a grown person to get inside this stupid train?
And with a child attached to their front?
Not easy.

Connor has a big BIG boy bed now! He looks so cute and tiny!
 soooo excited!

Making his bed like a good big boy!
We went to the zoo for Connor and Abby's 3rd birthdays a couple weeks ago. Again with the whole "not a fantastic picture, but my kids need to remember my face" thing again...
 This was so funny! Her little hairs were just blowing in the breeze on the train! It was so cute!