Sunday, September 29, 2013

Apple orchard, movie theater, big girl bed

 Our last trip to the orchard ... some might find it strange that I am not going to the orchard anymore when it is finally fall. However, the bees are OUT OF CONTROL!!! This last time we went I am amazed that none of us got stung.

 Mark took Connor to his first movie at a movie theater! He saw Planes, loved it, and had a great time! He got popcorn and candy and came home with a TON of energy!
 Kate is now in her big girl bed! She is doing fine. The first night she only cried for 15 minutes, then went over to her bed, fell into it, and went straight to sleep. However, she has been falling out of bed at night a few times... which makes her cry, which is just one more time we have to wake up in the middle of the night haha... oh well, she is doing pretty well during nap time now.. she was taking about an hour nap - when she is used to about 3 hours - then waking up and crying immediately. I let her cry for a while the other day, and now she wakes up and reads and plays until I get her. Good girl! :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

A lot of stuff over the past week!

We already had Connor's birthday party, but this is him on his actual birthday. He had birthday pancakes for breakfast! He also had a surprise birthday card that Daddy made and left for him on the table. He loved it!
 Birthday cake after dinner... apparently we love candles...

Mason went to church for the first time last weekend. He slept the whole time and did great!

Kate Renee loves books. She will sit and read to herself for the longest time. Then she will bring the books to us one at a time to read ALL of them to her. It's hard to tell in this picture, but she is not happy with Connor right now. He is trying to get a book to read it, and she does not like to share books. Obviously she needs all 50 of them to herself at all times.

My sister, Mallory, got married to her Man, James, last weekend. Connor was the ring bearer and he was adorable! He did such a good job walking down the aisle - he looked from side to side with his little killer dimpled smile.
 Since Mason is only a week old he went with us, but Kate stayed at home with Mark's mom.
 It is amazing how entertaining cars can be.
 Dancing with Gammy. Checking out the lights on the ceiling... about to fall asleep haha

Here is the bride and groom!

Here is Connor and Gammy on their date yesterday. She took him to Noble Roman's for lunch and Monkey Joe's to play. He had a great time!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Baby Mason

 Mason Paul James was born on Saturday, September 7th at 8:31 a.m. He was 6 pounds 9.5 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. He has a head full of dark hair! Connor and Kate both had blonde peach fuzz. Also, Kate looked exactly like Connor when she was born, and Mason doesn't look like either one! He is his own little man! Here are some pictures of our littlest baby boy.

 It was hard to get a good picture with Connor and Kate in it. Connor was so excited to meet Baby Mason that he wouldn't usually get more than 6 inches away from his face. Kate just kept saying, "baby, baby,   baby cry, baby cry, baby night night, baby night night, baby, baby"...
 Big brother Connor wanted to hold Baby Mason all by himself. Gammy had a nice grip just in case...
 Not the best picture - big sister was ready to go... but it is the only one with just the three of them, and also where they are wearing the shirts I made them. Also, it is hard to see, but our nurse gave them big brother and big sister bracelets. They LOVED them!

 Headed home! First car ride for Baby Mason!

 This video isn't of Mason, but it is hilarious! Connor and Daddy having a sword fight. Sorry if the video is a bit bumpy... I was laughing so hard!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Connor's 4th birthday party

We had Connor's 4th birthday party at Grandpa and Gammy's yesterday. It is a little early, since his birthday isn't for a couple weeks, but we wanted to do it before the baby is born. Since it was on the lake we did a nautical theme. The kids swam in the lake, tubed, rode on the boat, and played on the beach.. They had a GREAT time!

Here are the cupcakes. I don't know if you can see, but there are little shark sprinkles on top. Cute.

 If you look REALLY closely you can see the only picture of me from the whole party... a reflection in the tv. Awesome.
To go with the nautical theme I had a navy and white striped bathing suit top and made a long red maxi skirt.
 I loved the favor bags! They were so cute! Each kid got some shark gummys, a fish water squirter and a pack of goldfish.

 Sarah offered to help him open his presents from the Lands and Harberts. I think it's the first time a kid has helped another kid open a present, and neither one cried or tried to steal it away! They are getting so big!
 Due to the blue icing, we opted to do cupcakes outside...

 ... even though there was a wind storm the second we walked outside. He never got to blow out his candle, because we couldn't get it lit... but we told him he could have a candle re-do on his actual birthday and he was happy with that solution.
 After we ate cupcakes and did presents, all the kids (except Kate - she has had a little runny nose, and birthday party day was the straw that broke the camel's back... she turned the corner into super sick and now has a fever and super snot... awesome 5 days before we have a baby) got back into the lake and swam and tubed and boated for another couple hours. It was such a great party!

 This might be my favorite picture.... Quentin covered in blue icing and taking Josh's cupcake. Hilarious.