Friday, July 26, 2013

splash park

 We went to a splash park today. Connor had so much fun! He loves the one at the zoo, so I knew he would have a blast. He came up to me every 10-15 minutes saying that he loved it, or he liked the water, or that he was having so much fun. It was awesome.
Kate was not a huge fan at first. She was content sitting in the stroller looking at all the fools in the freezing cold water. She doesn't really like to get splashed, so I didn't think a splash park would be the most fun thing she has ever done, but she ended up having a good time, too! 

 Yes, she wore her puddle jumper for an hour. She refused to take it off.
 She pushed to stroller around for awhile. Unbeatable entertainment.

 She liked to stand and look at the water, but would never go past the first step. It might have something to do with the fact that the water was below zero... or just because she doesn't like to get in. Who knows.

My favorite picture. 
You can see here what Kate and Connor did most of the time. She walked around in a circle from the 1 inch deep water onto the concrete and back and he ran around with Abby. You do see her bite the dust, but she was fine.. no tears.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Kate walking and Connor riding a bike

Kate is finally walking! She started about a month ago and is getting faster every day. She loves playing chase and saying, "boo" as she walks around the corner.

She also loves dancing..

Here is Connor riding his bike for one of the first times by himself.