Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Here is Connor with his Halloween bag from Nonnie and Papaw. He (we) also got some good candy and cookies from Mimi and Poppa, but forgot to take pictures while we were there! Connor and Nana.
Our sweet little monkey man

He is clearly thrilled with what is happening...
After going to see Mimi and Poppa and Nonnie and Papaw, we went trick or treating with the Lands. (we only went to two houses, but it was cute to see him hold his bag -- and exciting to get a fist full of twix from one house!!)
We didn't get to see all the grandparents, so we will have a couple more dress up days -- get all the use we can out of this costume!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fun Day with Daddy!

Daddy took a 4 day weekend last week! It was so fun to have him around for two extra days! We went to the apple orchard and watermans market!

His first taste of apple slushie... he loved it! (just like his momma!)

Silly Connor!

Sometimes I turn on morning cartoons for Connor to watch while he is eating breakfast. I did this morning, and apparently he couldn't watch and chew at the same time... haha More barstool crawling...

He decided to get every single toy and basket out of the toy bin... awesome...

Here is Connor taking his first assisted steps... he hasn't ever shown any interest in walking, so this was a shocker! Usually when we hold his arms to have him stand he lifts his legs up and out to the side like in a sitting position, but in the air...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Silly Connor!

I have no idea why he has such an obsession with this coaster lately, but he crawls around with it in his mouth a lot! If you look closely you will see the edge of it is all wet...

I was doing dishes the other day and heard him start fussing... when I looked over this is what I saw...
He likes to crawl over things, but he got stuck crawling over the high side of the barstool.

Here is Connor "loving" Abigail... his way of showing love is to lay on her (his way of showing love to anybody is to lay on them, but he lays on Abby more than anybody... and she probably likes it the least of anybody!)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Connor's birthday shirt

Wonderful Heather noticed that I said I didn't have a picture of the back of Connor's birthday shirt, so (of course) she sent me one! Thank you, Heather! :)

I would like to point two things out about this picture: number one - he has a ball - it is his favorite toy - any ball, it doesn't matter, he will crawl around with it all day... throw it, crawl after it, pick it up, throw it, crawl after it, pick it up, and on and on and on... best game ever. Number two - his hair... yes it is out of control... no brushing it does not help... yes it is like that 90% of the time... yes I think it is adorable...

Monday, October 11, 2010


Connor and I walked over to the Lands in Connor's new little red wagon. The girls loved it!

Connor after his 12 month appointment. He had to get his finger pricked, so they wrap it up in a bandage... he was NOT happy with the mean nurse lady! And he looked so pitiful asleep in the carseat when we got home... (yes you do see his diaper because he was so hystarical after the shots and blood draw that I couldn't get his clothes back on all the way, so we just left... mother of the year, I know...)
Daddy playing with Connor's new basketball goal from Mimi and Poppa

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Birthday, Connor!!

As of September 19th, our baby boy is no longer a baby, but a toddler... well, at least that is what Mark keeps saying and I say, "Don't say the T word!" But I suppose it is officially true... Connor is a toddler.

(pause for reaction...)

And here are pictures from the party!! It was so great! Besides the fact that I had a bit of food poisoning a couple nights before and could do almost no preparation the day before the party (thank you to my wonderful husband, mother and the Harberts - without your help there would have been no party!!)

Monkey cupcakes for my baby monkey!

What is this, a graduation party? :) The only family shot!It was pretty hot, so all tried to find some shade...

The Birthday Boy (I made his shirt!) with Grandpa James

I don't have a picture of the back of it, but it is like a jersey with Connor at the top and a number 1 in the middle... adorable! Miss Vi picking a flower (a.k.a. weed) from our yard...
Thanks, Aunt Toni! The water table was a hit!!

Cupcake timeThanks to all of our friends and family that made our baby's day so special! We are so lucky to have so many people that love us!