Monday, August 13, 2012

Kate crawling and Connor's fine motor skills

You know how some days you think to yourself, I don't think I am going to make it to the end of the hour, much less until the end of the day when my fantastic husband gets home to rescue me? And then other days you think to yourself, man, I have GOT this! lol well, today was one of those days! Yay!

Connor is a typical boy and lacking somewhat in the fine motor skills department, so we played with cheerios for an hour. Yep, you read right... an HOUR! Getting him to do anything for an extended period of time is a challenge, but he loved it! He put cheerios on kabob sticks that were upright in play doh, he put them on a line of tape like they were cars, he put them inside a mini m&ms container (thank you for that, Katie), and finally, he ate them like a shark!

Connor was also CRACKING Kate up! She was hilarious!
Here she is eating some puffs... those suckers are sticky!! It is always so funny when one sticks to her face lol
If her hair isn't her best feature, I don't know what is! And you can see her two bottom teeth!

 Playing with/attacking her Violet doll...

She is officially a crawler!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Toddler Olympics

We had the first official Toddler Olympics today. The contenders were: Abby, Connor, Lily, Sarah, and Violet. Josh was a great by stander and Kate was a great napper.

Having a pre-Olympic yogurt

There were three events.
1. The balance beam

Ta Da!
 getting grass off his foot... clearly can't walk with grass holding him back

 2. Ball Toss

 3. Cheeto cool whip throw - throw cheetos onto a plate smeared with cool whip and try to get them to stick.
 Josh being a fantastic cheeto-eating by stander
 He and Vi are both staring at the cheeto that didn't make it to the plate...
 He is FOcused on throwing that cheeto to stick on the cool whip.
 Giving up and eating the remaining cheetos

 The gold medal!!

 After the Olympics all the girls dressed up as princesses, so Connor was the Prince - complete with Cam's tie and a wand sword!