Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I can't belive I forgot!!

I forgot the most important part of this past weekend in my last post!! CONNOR SAID MA-MA!!!! Finally!!! I thought this day would never come. He does love me! :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Big Boy Connor!

We had quite a weekend! Connor is growing so fast and is so amazing. We are so blessed to be his parents!

Over the past couple weeks Connor has started table foods. He has had bananas, grapes (very sour, very funny face), pasta (loved it just like his mama), chicken, and tonight he had broccoli! He has liked everything except for the grapes, although I keep having him try them, just in case!
Here he is loving his bananas.

Showing off those top two teeth!

We also got his big boy carseat this weekend! He was getting too heavy and too long to be in the pumpkin seat anymore. I was always afraid I would chop off his little baby foot when I walked through a doorway becuase they stuck out past the end of his seat! He rode in his big boy carseat for the first time today and absolutely LOVED it! He looked out the window the whole time! I kept pointing out things that he was seeing, but I said "cornfield" more often than not...

He has also been sitting up a lot... especially in his crib. Sunday morning, Mark walked into the bedroom with him and said, "We have a problem". Connor had sat up in his crib, reached out through the bars to the laundry basket, grabbed the mesh sock bag, and brought it back into the crib for a fun new toy. It is a mesh bag, so it was alright, but not the safest toy, I am sure. I have moved the laundry bag over a good ways, but it is funny to see him in the monitor still try to grab for it and not be able to reach it.

We also got him a new toy. He has a lot of baby toys (rattles and teethers) so we wanted to get him a big boy toy that is more interactive and fun! A couple of our friends have this ball toy that has a little motor and blows the balls up in the air and then back down again. All the kids we have seen play with it love it, so we thought Connor would, too. We were terribly wrong!! He HATES it!!! I have never heard him scream so loud and hold on to me so tight since the day he was born. I feel comfortable saying he screamed louder when we turned on this stupid toy than the day he was born. Yeah... it's that bad. Although, when he's not screaming he is making the CUTEST sad frowny face I have ever seen in my life.

He also got to go swimming twice in one day this weekend! Mark and I spend most of Saturday at my mom's, so Daddy got to go swimming with Connor! They were both excited! Connor loves his boat.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Playing pass, growling and a third tooth!

Connor loves his basketball that Grandpa Fred got him. In a whole pile of toys he will pick it out and not let go. It is so cute when he has it in one hand and another toy in his other hand and then he wants a third toy; he lays something down to pick it up, but then realizes he doesn't want to lose whatever he had, so he drops something else to get it back, but then realizes he doesn't want to lose that toy, either... it is a vicious circle...

Anyways... here he is playing pass with Daddy and his favorite basketball.

And here he is rolling around and growling... random, I know... but hilarious!

Connor is getting his third tooth! Here is a video of me trying to show it off, but Connor does not want to participate... You can kind of see it at the beginning of the video, and a little bit again at the end...


Connor was very interested in whatever was under the activity table... until he realized he was under the activity table. Then he was even more upset that Mommy wasn't getting him out, but taking pictures and laughing...

Strawberry Festival

Connor and I went to the Strawberry Festival downtown on the circle with Heather, Lily and Violet. We had a great time, and the strawberry shortcake was DELISH!!
Connor is too cool for his sunglasses...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New bathtime excitement!

The last couple of bathtimes, Connor has started kicking his leg when he gets excited. It is hilarious! All he wants to do is splash; if Mark tries to move him to wash him he gets pretty upset!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Abby and Connor

Katie babysat Connor for me while I cleaned out my classroom and he played like the little Energizer Baby! He normally stayes awake for about 2 hours, but he played happily for 4 hours at Katie's house! I couldn't believe it!

He doesn't look too happy in this picture, but Katie assured me that he was a happy baby!
This picture cracks me up!! Katie said he got this mermaid barbie doll and was banging it all around and hitting it on the ground as hard as he could! I could just see him doing that! He loves to bang things around - typical boy! (although Abby seems to be laughing at him...)

Swingin' and Swimmin'

Connor played on his swing for the first time and loved it! Thank you, Brody Baker, for the awesome swing and slide!

We took Connor swimming at Nonnie and Papaw's and he was so cute while Daddy put on his sunscreen!

Connor and I went to our neighborhood pool with Katie, Sarah and Abby, Heather, Lily and Violet and Jamie, Aubrey and Cadence (basically lots of girls and Connor...). He loves his boat and in only took him a couple minutes to get used to the water this time!
He loves to drive the boat!
His favorite thing to do is splash (in the bathtub and the pool!)

Violet looking as cute as can be...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Baby Boy

Here are just a few pictures of our happy baby boy! He loves to laugh, smile and show off his two teeth!

This is a new face that we have been getting lately... it is hilarious and also interesting at the same time...

Apparently I am quite funny...