Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Catching up

I need to post more often; when I finally do it, I have a thousand things to share!

Here is my baby boy just smiling away! He is so stinkin' cute! :)

He had puffs for the first time a couple days ago. He does a great job at picking them up with his little fingers, but doesn't quite understand the next step of putting them in his mouth... he'll get there!

This picture cracks me up! He looks so happily confused! haha!

We went outside yesterday afternoon and he sat in he grass for the first time. He thought it was pretty fun!

He finally got a piece of grass and he was so excited! It was a lot of hard work, you know!

Connor and Daddy hanging out before naptime...

Connor loves to roll around and play. When he is trying to stay awake he shakes his head (like in the last video) to stay awake. It is adorable!

Connor still loves to be scared!

He does this hilarious laugh sometimes. I finally got it on video!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cutest picture ever

Bath time

Connor LOVES bathtime! I can't wait to see him in the pool!

SOO big!

Connor is getting so big! He can sit like a pro and now he can hold himself up against the couch!

Fun with the Land girls!

On Thursday I got my wisdom teeth removed, so we had lots of help! Dad watched Connor while Mimi took me to get the surgery, and Katie watched Connor after I got back. She was a life saver! Connor had tons of fun with Abby and loved trying to grab Sarah's tutu.

I also have to thank our wonderful friends, the Harberts' and the Macks', for bringing over dinner on Thursday and Friday! What would we do without our friends?! Love you guys! :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Books and Biscuits

Connor enjoyed his first "biter biscuit" (a.k.a. Messiest-Thing-Ever... He got it all over his shirt, face, arms, hands, my arms and hands, my watch...) He LOVED it!!

Daddy and Connor love to read books!

He can turn the pages all by himself!

Connor waiting patiently for Daddy to get a new book to read: