Thursday, December 31, 2009

Just hanging out

Here I am just hanging out in Mommy and Daddy's bed:

The flash just about blinded me!

My double chins are soooo cute!
Here I am thinking about Daddy and sad he's not here... but I am giving him a big hug!

Mom was looking through the camera and found a video of me sleeping in the sling at St. Louis for Casey's wedding. I was snoozing!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Horn family Christmas

Here I am again with my two second cousins, Ethan and Lydia, at my first family Christmas! We have all grown a lot since Thanksgiving! Here I am hanging out with the only other boy baby I know... Mom's friends have ALL girls!

And here I am just relaxing... waiting for the photo shoot to be over!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hanging out with Grandpa

Here I am with my Grandpa! I am trying my best to turn my head and see the camera!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I have recently started drooling... a lot! Here are a couple pictures of me spittin' up a storm in my swing!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

8 week doctor's appointment

Oh my this was traumatic. I had to get my first shots... THREE of them!! In my huge and (adorable) thighs!! I screamed like the world was ending and the mom started tearing up... it was a sad day. But I am healthy as can be! I weigh 14 lbs 1 oz and am 22 1/4 inches long. I am in the 75th percentile for weight and only the 25th precentile for height... I am a short and fat little guy! Here are some pictures of me before the shots - I was as happy as could be! (Until the mean nurse lady stabbed me)

Here I am pointing to my blue bandaids... like those things make it better...

This is a great view of my chubby thighs!

Talking up a STORM!

Here I am telling Mommy all about... something. Not sure what, but I am telling her all about it!