Monday, December 19, 2011

lots of fun!

We have obviously been busy with our little girl and big boy, so here is what has been happening the last couple weeks.

Connor loves to share his cars with Kate... such a sweet big brother! LOVES cars!

More sharing :) he has actually named this Kate's car. Everytime he plays with them, he says this is Kate's car. (Mommy, Daddy and Connor have their own cars, too. And one is called Green Speed, and it sounds like green pee when Connor says it - it is hilarious!)

Not the best picture, but her little face was too cute!

He LOVES to kiss his baby sister.

bath time!

Super Connor is vaccuming

Connor was putting ornaments on the tree - but he wanted them to go under the tree instead of on it.

Getting our Christmas tree - yes, we are at Lowes... We will do the fun stuff at the Christmas tree farm next year.

Grandpa and Connor getting our tree loaded up - in the rain :(

Kate's first Sunday at church - again, not the best picture, but I got that bow in there with her few little hairs!

One of Connor's favorite things to do is paint.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Kate's first week

Two thanksgiving turkeys! Connor LOVES Kate. He likes to feed her, burp her, hold her, rub her face, and he is so good at sharing his trucks with her! We were leaving for church this morning and she was crying in her car seat and he said, "Baby Kate cry. Baby need truck." Then he went to the living room, got a truck and set it on top of her in the car seat. I almost started crying it was so sweet.

The ride home from the hospital started out a bit rough.....

but it got better :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kate is here!!

Our sweet baby Kate is finally here! She was born at 10:51 am on Saturday, November 19th. She was 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 19 1/4 inches long. She is doing really well and is so sweet! Here are a few pictures.

Here is a picture of Connor on his birthday, too! Such sweet siblings!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kate's Room

Here are some pictures of Kate's room. It is all ready, so all we need is a sweet little girl to put in it! In approximately 71 and a half hours we will have arrived at the hospital for the C-section! We can't wait!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Connor and I went to gymnastics last week. He had a great time!

Climbing up and over!

He loves the little trampoline - look at him jump!

The foam blocks are always a hit! He did the rope swing and dropped into the pit! So brave!

This was his first time on the balance beam and he loved it! When the extra padding ran out he needed me to hold his hand, but he would jump from the beam into the pit of blocks!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Children's Museum

We have been trying to do a lot of things outside the house before baby Kate is born. We went to the children's museum with Katie this week and Connor had a great time! We haven't been in a LONG time, so it was so awesome to see him have so much big boy fun! His favorite part was the water table. He was soaked when we left!

Of course we had to start out with Barbie. My boy is nothing if not versatile - which happens when you have all girlfriends, you learn to adapt to dolls and strollers. He had a great time banging the Ken doll's head on the floor... awesome...

Loved the choo-choos.
Water table fun!

This is my favorite picture. He looks like he is going to up and fly away!

Hard to slide with soaking wet pants from the water table, but he still manages.

Playing musical instruments.

Joshua is very interested!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We went to the Harbert's again last weekend for a MOPS family playdate. It was pretty much a repeat of the weekend before, and Connor had the time of his life AGAIN!! Riding the horse and driving the tractor are officially his favorite things! I finally got a picture of him on the horse. He is dressed in his elephant costume. You can't really tell because he doesn't have the hat part up, but I promise he is not just "boy dressed in all gray".

We went to Katie's with Heather yesterday morning and painted Halloween shirts. Here is a naked boy ready to paint!

Connor was a frog for Halloween. He was adorable!

Getting his first piece of candy! He would say trick or treat about as soft as he could. You could barely hear him! And then he would say thank you - again, as soft as possible.

I know this is a terrible picture, but this is him when we got back from our Halloween rounds. He had dumped out all of his candy into his lap and was just staring at it. Before he dumped it, he was holding his bag open and just staring into it, like, this is amazing. It wa so cute!