Tuesday, September 21, 2010

apple orchard and fire truck

Yes, we are still here! It has been pretty crazy around here. I have been sick, Connor got a bit of a stuffy nose and we have been getting ready for his FIRST birthday party!! I can't believe my baby boy is one! More on that later...
Here we are at the orchard! He's a bit bigger than he was last time (and I am smaller, thank goodness... and I didn't get bit by a bee this time, so that's good!)
Ofcourse I had a slushie a.k.a the best thing ever invented...
Oh my, look at my boy's hair... there really are no words...

Trying some apple.

Not liking apple...

Too cute!

We went to the library to see the firetruck with Katie, Sarah and Abby!
The babies...

Sarah is thrilled...

Me with my boy :)

Afterwards we went to Chicago's for lunch (breadsticks)... Connor loves Abby!

Clearly it was an exhausting day!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lots of stuff

Attacking Mommy

High Five Fun

This is the tunnel that Grandpa and Gammy gave Connor for his (early) birthday present! He loves to crawl back and forth between Mommy and Daddy!

Lately Connor has been laying down in the middle of crawling somewhere. I can't get a video of it because he does it at random tims, but I finally got a couple pictures! It is the cutest thing I have ever seen - he will be crawling along his merry way and then all of a sudden he stops and lays down! He could be on the hardwood floor, the bottom step, on top of toys... anywhere! Like he just got so tired he couldn't take it any longer and he just had to lay down! haha!

The other day I went to get him from his nap and when looked in his room, I saw a tiny foot sticking out of the crib... it was so cute I had to get downstairs and get my camera before I got him up! Connor was making some crazy faces at dinner the other night, so what do I do? Get my camera of course!